You, your family and your backyard are unique – your pool liner should be too. Decorate your pool with our Mix-N-Match liner approach. Choice has become a thing of the past – Now you can CREATE!

MEGNA POOLS has created eight unique pool liner tiles which can be matched with one of four wall and floor patterns or with solid blue or solid white. Browse through the tile and floor patterns until you find your own perfect match! MEGNA POOLS will then custom fabricate your unique liner pattern just for you.

MEGNA POOLS has made an investment in cutting edge machinery in order to become the only supplier in North America of this unique swimming pool technology.

Now for the first time in North America, swimming pool owners have the ability to create their own unique swimming pool pattern.

Special technology will allow MEGNA POOLS to deliver a uniquely different pool liner within the same timeframe as traditional pool liners – no delay to have something out of the ordinary.


Water Colour Selector

Lets make choosing your liner an enjoyable experience! The colour of your pool is determined by the liner you choose. Our "Water Colour Selector" will help you visualize what your pool will look like when water is added.



Click on the arrows ( <    > ) on either side of the tile border and/or Bottom patterns to Mix n Match your pattern! Or view all 49 combinations below.


All patterns shown are illustrations, see actual samples for true color and pattern.

Available from our facility in Canada.


Choose from our 63 Exclusive Mix-n-Match Pattern Combinations


Mix-n-Match Tiles with Blue Diffusion Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with Blue Terrazzo Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with Seaglass Sand Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with White Diffusion Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with White Terrazzo Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with Solid Blue Bottom

Mix-n-Match Tiles with Solid White Bottom

All patterns shown are illustrations, see actual samples for true colour and pattern.